Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's Been Ten Years! :)

Today marks the tenth year since Mean Girls was first launched! :))))

Who would ever forget Gretchen Wieners and her appeal to make fetch happen? (Sorry, Regina. It really did happen.)

Then there's Regina George and her all-carb diet just to shed three pounds. Is butter a carb? 

We also have clueless Karen who curiously asks Cady, 
If you're from Africa, why are you white?

And how could we ever forget about THIS dating rule?

(c) Tumblr 
 Guess it's time for another Mean Girls movie date then! :)

(c) Tumblr

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Off to Another Chapter!

It seems that someone pressed the fast-forward button. Summer seems to be going pretty fast. I didn't even realize that May will already start this week. I didn't even feel the pressure of my classes (yet). In fact, I look forward to going to class even if it means waking up at 6 and leaving the comfort of my bed in UD. Yep! We moved already! But more on that later. This post is about something else. :)

  Remember this Sunday? I slept at around 5 am already just to finish the blog for Filipino. It was our first project and was due midnight that same day. I had plans and I didn't want to cram passing one of the few requirements for the course. (Hey, it accounts for 20% of our grade. Might as well give it my best shot.) Plus, it was moving day. You get the picture.

  Surviving on barely 4 hours of sleep, I was rushing since I thought I'd be missing the University Graduation! Well, I didn't know what time it was supposed to start that's why I assumed it would be in the morning. (Hello, Andre! Your texts put me in this critical situation. Whyyyy haha ) Apparently, the ceremonies were still in the afternoon. The good thing about that, I no longer need to worry about rushing and I got to move in in our new room. Still, sleep. :< But oh well. :)

  UP will always be one of my biggest what-ifs. You might ask why I was even there. You see, a lot of my orgmates are graduating and since PSYSC and its members have always been special to me, I wanted to be there to witness another milestone in their lives. I know it wasn't something expected from us but somehow, it was something that I just didn't want to miss. After all, they were not just orgmates. They are mentors who taught us what it is in the organization and what it takes to serve the Filipino youth. They are friends who turn the worst situations into things we can look back and laugh about. I might have known some for just a short while. Still, I look up to them for their undying service to the organization, the academe, and in some ways though distant it may seem, the country. *wink wink*

Okay. Too wordy, don't you think? :) Here are some photos taken that day:

*wink wink* #ootd HAHAHA
#ootd part 2 :P
Jasmin and Pia-sheee! :))) Congrats, Kuya Bart! (didn't see him though :<) 
Ate Mariel's true love= food. HAHAHA jk love you ate! :)
Forever going to be four. :P

The sunflowers were just amazing :) We had photo ops here too! Waiting for Ate Mariel's photos hihihi :)

So there goes the sunflowers.

Kuya Raf's finally graduating! :) He is the closest guy I could have for a Kuya. I knew him since NLTS 2012 and he is perhaps the most clingy faci I ever had! Without those clingy vibes I doubt we'd still be this close. :) I'd surely miss having him around. No more teasing about how torpe and sawi he could get. Please. He's the perfect epitome of a hopeless romantic. You'd believe me once you know his story. :P I'm really happy I chose to apply for PSYSC this school year. At least we got to work together as NECATs even for a short while. >:)

Good luck on the world beyond! And get that courage already while you're still here! *wink wink*
Kuya Jazer! :) I'd always remember you as the kindest soul during my final interview hihi. =)) I wouldn't forget the words you said. "You are a NECAT but remember you are a student first. That's why you have your fellow NECATs, your CORE team, your NEC to back you up. You are never alone. :)"

Ate Ste! Amaziiiiing! MBB FTW! :) Sec FTW! :)))

Met Kuya Jake + Kuya D at KFC :))) 
Just when I thought I was going back to the dorm. :) Didn't regret staying behind and spending time with Ate Mariel + Kuya Carlo who was proudly wearing his sablay while walking along Katipunan! :P Thank you for that dinner + dessert! :)) I had fun talking about the most random stuff from French movies to film stereotypes and even the future of the organization. *wink wink* Looking forward to watching those films >:)
"There is always a kid inside him." (Urbiztondo, 2014)
Sumablay na rin sila! :) 35 NECATs are recent graduates! :))) So proud. :))) Didn't see them all though. 
:( I wonder what the org would be like without them.  Still, I have my hopes. We'd miss them but they have another road to travel, another chapter to write, another facet to discover. Good luck, Ates and Kuyas! Head on life, full speed ahead. :)

Till next year! (Hello, Ate Mariel, Kuya Mel, etc etc etc) I guess I'd be there every graduation then. :P

PS. Waiting for Ate Mariel's shots. :P That, I think, is worth the next post. :)))

Sunday, April 27, 2014

at last!

Finally finished that project for Fil 14! Sacrificed sleep just for this. Hopefully, the eyebags are worth the price. Check out my other blog and read the post! I would appreciate your insights about my topic. :) 

Okay, sleep for a few hours then off to that Univ Grad! :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

deputy stuff

Okay. A lot of stuff happened since summer sem started. There's 

  • the first three days of Psych 101 and Fil 14. Thank God for good profs! Lots of requirements but quite understandable. We only have 5 weeks to tackle stuff that was supposed to be for a 5-month semester. Yep. I can handle this. ;) (good vibes, now would be a good time to reappear)
  • Commuting alone at 7 pm already! That's a feat! :) Pagbigyan please. :3
  • the Holy Week hiatus which I spent with my Tita's family :) FREE FOOD! HELLO, SLEEP! :D 
Ate Duties! :) This little one is just growing up too fast!
  • then school again..
Now, let me fill you in with what I'm actually working on (aside from the class requirements, that is.). Well, I'm supposed to be working on my other blog (this is actually a project for Filipino, hence, the language. :) ) but naah. I just have to share this one. :))

  They say college is never complete without an organization. I guess that's true. How then will you meet and widen your social circle without an avenue where you belong? How will you improve yourself in aspects other than your academics? 

  I belong to four organizations, four avenues where I think and chose to be part of. If you have been reading my blogs lately, you know how immersed I am with PSYSC and its culture. This time, I decided to take the next step for my other organization, PMSA! :)

   PMSA (that's short for Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo) is the one of the two organizations I signed up  in during last year's RecWeek. Nope. Don't go asking about the other one. Just no. As you see, the other two orgs under my belt are the ones where I am an automatic member (being a dormer, there's ARSA then being a Health Sci major, there's HSS).

   I came back from #CAMPCEBU (Yes! Hello, civilization! Hello, Internet!) and naturally, one of the first few things I dealt with after enlisting is checking my Facebook account. Now, there was something interesting in my notifications. Yes, I digress but allow me. :) Wildom, my foster brother for ARSA, is one off the committee heads for PMSA so he has the obligations to tag other PMSA members in that certain announcement. It was a call for deputies.

  Well, I wanted to but I had my hesitations. One, there's Health Sci and I'm in my second year (Yay! NO LONGER THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOD CHAIN!) and they say sophomore year is always the hardest. Two, I have PSYSC. Three, I don't think I'm good enough (Insecurities, yes. :( ). Four, THE DEADLINE'S AT 11:59 PM ON APRIL 12 AND IT'S JUST TWO DAYS AWAY. (You know me. I tend to overthink stuff.)

   It took me quite a long time to decide. About two hours, I think. So there you go. I crammed the application and submitted it right on my schedule. :) Waited for the announcements and got accepted for the interview. :)))

   I didn't think the interview was something to be really scared of. Well, it did make me nervous knowing that the whole EB was there to listen to me ramble my answers but I think it went well. On the other hand, they also learned about my crush in that organization (Don't judge but hey, I have a lot of crushes! And no, I am not the only one like that! :) ).

  Fast forward then.

But I guess fate is playing tricks on me. Well, it is no surprise he got in but stilllllll, that meant I'd be sitting in meeting with him, discussing org stuff with him, seeing him! I thought he was already part of my childhood! He did improve aesthetically speaking, no doubt, but no, his charm won't work. Nu-uh.

Even if I know why his nickname is like that.

Even if there's the occasional "Hi!" or "What's up?"

Even if it seemed that our eyes met for a while during that first meeting.

Even if there's the possibility of working with him for a whole year.

Oh no. Won't you please stay in the past?

It doesn't help that the EB and my blockmates know about this. Super honest ko kasi talaga. Hay nako please. 

Oh well. I say hello to such a busy sophomore year then! :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Breaking Hearts

I know it isn't easy but perhaps it is for the best. You've lost someone you hold dear by calling it off. You've tried your best to break it gently but it seems there is no other way. You gave him hints but he didn't seem to connect the dots. You tried and that's what matters. After all, there is no sugarcoating rejection. No matter what form it takes, it would always hurt . 

He might say that he is the only one hurting but he will never know that it pained you, too. Who ever said it was easy? No stuff involving emotions has ever been simple. It's a two-way process. Every decision, even how small it might seem to be, affects the whole. 

Don't say you're sorry. You did what you had to do. Yes, it might hurt but then again, ignoring the reality would only make it worse. Give him time. Give him space. Let him heal. Allow him to find himself again. Let him find all his broken pieces and fix whatever he has left. As for you, do the same. Remember that life goes on. I cannot promise you things would get back as they once were but I can assure you that you would find the answer. Maybe not now, not soon, but eventually you will. 

For now, let the world spin. Go with its flow. Hurl yourself to a whole new perspective. Everything will get better in time. Yes, in time. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Think again


I know life has been pretty hard on you lately. You're on the verge of giving up everything. You've come to a point where you're just about to break down. Basically, you've lost everything you've worked hard for. What's the point of fighting when the world is just messed up? Isn't it better to just let go, to hell with them all?

It's tempting to say yes, to forget about the stress, to run away but do you really think that hiding from the frustrations would solve your problems? Would your refusal to see things clearly set everything right?

Think again. This time, think of the larger picture.

Hold on. If you think you are alone in your battle, then clearly you haven't been thinking long enough. Your friends are here. Wouldn't your choice to let go hurt them more than this one instance of failing? Yes, you are at your deepest point right now but that doesn't mean you can't climb back again. This, this inevitable fall, doesn't define you. I know it takes a while to accept the reality but you have to move on. You have to learn from the past and keep moving. 

Know that we'll always be here. Life wouldn't be the same without you. If you think we'd be happier living years without your friendship, oh well. Think again. Losing a friend would be too much to handle. Losing him to depression would be much more. Know that you are important, just as every person in this planet is. What you do is special. No one can ever replicate that. Know that we care. Know that we are always here.

If you're choosing to give up without any fight, think again. Just please. Always remember. Think again. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

post-CAMP reverie


That's CAMP speak for "Hello!" It has been a while since I last attended NYSTESC. Back when I was also a camper, I've used (or more likely, abused) the CAMP Lexicon greeting fellow science clubbers in various terms such as "Salutey! and "Privyet!" I never thought I would be the one holding that number, leading a flock of curious and enthusiastic kids on their 5-day journey with PSYSC. 

The experience is surreal. Where do I begin? I never realized I would be accepted into the staff list, knowing that we were new members in the organization (13B represent!). We were fresh meat. I, for one, was only holding on to the knowledge I gathered through my high school experience. What do we know about managing 40 kids for almost 6 days? How do we even keep them company? Would they even like me? 

Such thoughts were with me but still, I held on to my desire to become part of this year's Legendary Camp. I held on to my faith that I would have my own set of kids, make memories with them along the way and touch lives. That courage to sign up was the first step. There was no other way but up. 

The road was tough. Who said being a facilitator was as easy as signing up and being accepted? Saying yes to the challenge required commitment and time. It demanded attention. From daily trips to UP for practices and meetings and late-night musings for that 10-minute faci presentation to hot afternoons spent scurrying for that detailed dress code, PSYSC won me over. My 3-week summer break was all for this organization and I have yet to regret making that decision.

Let this post stand as my thank-you to all the people who made this first time faci experience possible.

To the NEC, thank you for entrusting this responsibility to us, 13B. Thank you for believing in our capabilities and for giving us the opportunity to serve the youth. I know it was a tough decision to make but thank you taking the risk. :) 

To the CAMP Core, wooooh! Without you and your undying efforts, this camp would never be possible. :) 1600 participants? Bring it on! You guys made #CAMPCEBU a tough one to beat ;)

Fellow Gesters, we made it! Thank you for being clingy, fun and sabaw all in the same time. :') What stress? What sleep? :) Thank you for making it the workload light despite the harsh reality. To the older ECATs (hiii Kuya D, Kuya Dar, Kuya Rovir, Kuya Jake, Ate Des, Kuya Kim), thank you for being patient with us first timers. It is through your guidance and super jam-packed knowledge we were able to fit in the roles of a full-time faci :)) 

Batch 13! What more can I say? :) SO MUCH LOVE :3 *insert hearts here haha*
Silly as can be :)
And of course, to my subcamp 11. thank you so much for being the best! We might not be the best but I assure you, you are the best in my eyes. To my first batch of kids,  I give you all my love :)) Most of you guys are first time campers so I guess I'll see you next summer! I do hope I was able to make a mark in your life as a camper. I might not be the best faci in town but I do hope you saw my efforts to make this CAMP the best one yet for you, kids. :) Magpakabibo pa rin! Push yourselves to your limits! Keep the fire burning! 

I don't want to end this post yet =(  Be ready for the post-CAMP feels trip :))) These are some things the org has made me experience this summer. ;)

1) Climbing the steep slopes in HPMR, loading and unloading supplies to and from the makeshift staff room. Define. ;)

2) Facing agitated teachers at the Sec Area and keeping your cool. Wooh this is grace under pressure. 

3) Add making at least 800 activity IDs for the participants. Kamusta naman ang mga sugat sa kamay? ;)
Not quite the photo I was looking for but same thought goes! :P
4) Waking up even at 3 am just to catch that 5-minute bath time allotted just for you ;)

5) Surviving and working through 2 hours of sleep (and sometimes, even less) all for your kids! :))

6) Being the rant absorber for your kids especially when it comes to mealtimes. Huhuhu sorry kids but I hope food from Day 3 made up for the lousy, bland ones from the days before :)

7) Eating at the most random times of the day. Food fills in the gaps for sleep. :P

8) Learning to be nocturnal for once. Evals, please :P

9) Going with the flow! If this is what makes the kids smile, then so be it. ;)

Stuck with this guy for 48 minutes. Huhu CAMP Fair pls

Gesters for a week! :) Our outfits say them all ;)

10) Being a superwoman for 5 whole days! 40 kids to facilitate through lectures, challenging workshops and that nerve-wrecking field trip? Bring it on!

11) Occupying almost half of the plane. Yep, they have to wait until we boarded. It would be such a loss without us :P
Not everyone yet :)
12) Sleeping in any way possible. Bahala na kung saan abutin ng antok, basta nakatulog. Yun na yun! :)
Kahit ano na lang :P

13) Keeping a smile on your face despite the stress and the sleeplessness. All for the kids :)))

I have too much feels for this event but those would only make this post so tedious to read and follow. :) Guess this is one CAMP to cherish after all :))))
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