Sunday, December 21, 2014

still on cloud nine

Honestly, it's been an hour since I opened the browser, checked my blog and decided to write. Still,I haven't figured how to write it. All I know is that I am still on the post-CSIW hangover.

    I still cannot believe that the event we worked hard on for more than five months has just ended. In a week, all those things we planned came into life. It was the first  CORE experience for me and the road was not always smooth. Others might say mine was by far the easiest committee assignment. After all, I was only the over-all host. I just needed to keep the kids entertained and make sure that while the speakers aren't ready and there were still glitches in the workshops, their attention is still on the camp. 

  Well, I tell you now, it isn't.

   Before, I also thought that being the Sessions Head is just chill. Nope. Not at all. There's the pressure of making the kids love the camp and by extension, you as well. Why? Just like the facilitators, the Sessions Head is the face of the camp. You are always on stage. You own the spotlight. You have the responsibility of ensuring the kids have fun. 

  I thought my skills and my perky personality were enough to go beyond what was expected. I was so wrong. Try talking for one hour (or more) straight. Try dancing non-stop. Try ensuring that there is no dead air in the program. How? How can you manage without going on circles? How can you keep their energy levels high?

   Despite some shortcomings, I made it through that one week. I do hope I somehow made an impact on the kids. They might forget about me but as long as they remember the Llama Song or the Chuga Dance, I'm okay with that. They might forget about the dance steps but as long as they know that they once danced to the song, I'm okay with that. I know mine wasn't the most ideal performance ever but I hope they see that I gave my best. All for kids. Always all for the kids. :)

    There are a lot more things I wish to say but words failed me. Still, here are some people I'd wish to thank.
Mom and Dad, oh thank you for letting me be part of something I always wanted to do. Thank you for letting me join science camps back in high school, apply to become a member of the organization, and finally accept the challenge of planning the camp itself. I know you always have my back and I will be forever grateful for that.
To the National Executive Council, thank you for trusting me that I can do it. I have only been with the org for just a year and yet you still saw the potential. I would never know how you came to the decision but I know it was a tough risk, too. Thank you for giving me the chance. Before, I was only the camper who really promised that once she studied in Manila, she'd be the one behind the event one day. Thank you for making me realize that.
COREmates, dear me. Thank you for the friendship! Before, we just knew each other, simple orgmates with not much to say to one another. Now, I think I can say that I know you better. Thank you for always understanding whenever I am late for meetings (I think I made it up to you guys by being early for shoots :P)  or I can't come due to acads. Thank you being the cheereleaders whenever I have exams coming up and I still had deliverables due the next day. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I love you guys. :)

 Facis, thank you for being the best ever! There might be some misunderstandings but thank you for giving the kids the most wonderful time :)
Kuya Mel! I WOULD HAVE NEVER SURVIVED HOSTING WITHOUT YOU! :) Thank you for finishing my sentences, looking for ways that kids don't yawn, keeping the hype and sharing the spotlight with me. Good luck on yours! 

Romie, thank you for the marvelous shots! :) (as well as my sleeping photos, thank you too :p)

BEST BUDDY! :) Kuya Deo, thank you for pushing me to apply! :) I would have never experienced this without you asking. (GO #SaShEngg!)
ANDREA CAAAAAOOOOO! WE MADE IT! YAAAY 13B! :) You know I love you. Sorry, Sec! :)
 MARIEEEEE! :) Forever yan. Go #WorkSions! :)
Karl, Sam, Ate Fides, Kuya Victor, Yanyan, Kuya Josh, Ben, Kuya Jazer, Kuya LO, Ate Jezyl..... (the list goes on!) thank you guys. :) 
and to all else who made my CORE work possible, A BIG THANK YOU! I might have forgotten to include you on this list but rest assured, I remember your efforts. :)

Grazie everyone! :) #CSIWEureka would always have a special place in my heart :) This is Ella, CSIW Sessions Head 2014, now signing off :)

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